
  1. Lin, X., Chau, C., Ma, K. et al. DCATS: differential composition analysis for flexible single-cell experimental designs. Genome Biol 24, 151 (2023).
  2. Meng, Q., Wei, L., Ma, K., Shi, M., Lin, X., Ho, J. W., … & Zhang, X. (2024). scDecouple: decoupling cellular response from infected proportion bias in scCRISPR-seq. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 25(2), bbae011.
  3. Warin, J., Vedrenne, N., Tam, V., Zhu, M., Yin, D., Lin, X., … & Camus, A. (2024). In vitro and in vivo models define a molecular signature reference for human embryonic notochordal cells. Iscience, 27(2).
  4. Xue, Y., Su, Z., Lin, X., Ho, M. K., & Yu, K. H. (2024). Single-cell lineage tracing with endogenous markers. Biophysical Reviews, 1-15.


  1. Contributed Talks in BioC Asia 2021: Link Video Slides


  1. Silver presentation award in NSFC/RPG Workshop on Single-Cell Data Science.

  2. Bau Tsu Zung Bau Kwan Yeu Hing Research and Clinical Fellowship

Tutorial Materials for Workshops

  1. Introduction to R(Chapter 5): Link

  2. Fundamentals of scRNASeq Analysis: Link


Group Project

  1. Factors Associated with Mental Health in Tech Companies: Link
  • My responsibility: Models Building
  1. Using Newton-Raphson and Logistic-LASSO for Predicting Breast Cancer Status: Report Code
  • My responsibility: Newton-Raphson Algorithm
  1. Glasses’ Type Prediction: Report Code
  • My responsibility: Support Vector Machine
  1. Houses’ Prices Prediction: Report Code
  • My responsibility: Data Preprocessing and Writing Report

Personal Project

  1. Hurricane Trajectory Prediction: Questions Report Code

  2. 基于贝叶斯算法的等位基因特异的m6A鉴定算法开发: Bachelor Dissertation